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Configuring Mac OS X Networking to work with T-Online DSL (Deutsch Telecom)

Synopsis: T-Online (Deutsch Telecom) requires that you install an annoying piece of software (StartCenter) in order to use their DSL service. If you don't want this piece of software cluttering up your Dock, or are annoyed that it starts a web browser and loads the T-Online homepage everytime you connect to the internet, or just think that StartCenter is one of the the ugliest applications you've ever seen, then read on. This document explains how to configure the built-in OS X Networking to connect to T-Online, so you no longer need to use StartCenter.

Before we get started...

If you've just signed up for T-Online DSL and you only have a Mac at home, then you cannot use their software to instantly register. You have about a week for a piece of mail that has all the codes you need.

Apparently this quick-registration doesn't work on the Mac. (This piece of information was confirmed once I called the 12cent/minute support number. The free support number was just a massive waste of time.)

So, if you have your piece of paper with your "Anschlußkennung" and "Zugehörige T-Online Nummer" and "Persönliches Kennwort" then we can get started.

System Preferences... Networking

Open System Preferences... and then go to Networking.

system preferences       Network

Select your internal ethernet adapter. You should see a screen of tabs. (TCP/IP, PPPoE, Appletalk, Proxies and Ethernet.) Select PPPoE. You should see something like this:


Now, here is the receipe. (Note: The item in [brackets] are numbers from the Auftragsbestäigung you received in the mail from T-Online.

Service Provider: T-Online
Account Name: [Anschlußkennung][Zugehörige T-Online Nummer]0001@t-online.de
Password: [Persönliches Kennwort]
PPPoE Service Name: 0191011 I think any 7 digits will work here.

Connecting and Disconnecting

If you check the box "Show PPPoE status in menu bar" then you will have a handy icon that you can click on to connect and disconnect.


That's it! No more having to visit the T-Online site just because you want to quickly go online to check your email.

Next Steps

If you have configured a router to use T-Online DSL (or find this information useful), I would be interested to hear about your experiences. I'm thinking of getting a router since I have two computers and it seems ridiculous that only one of them can be on the net at a time.

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